Ancestors Handling That Ass!
Just know your ancestors would like the pleasure of handling somebody's ass for you! Move out of the way and allow them to. Your ancestors don’t play about you. They are quick to handle anybody ass who is playing in your face! I literally heard someone ancestor say “Let me serve them.” Archangel Michael on your spirit team too coming in with a protective energy. Psalm 121 showed up in the energy. I heard the name Gregory. Someone is a Taurus too. I’m seeing the date April 21 which is significant somehow.
The person who ghosted you in a situationship still tries to watch you or keep up with you on social media. I feel like this individual has some financial issues going on while possibly trying to relocate at this time. There is an energy where they are having a hard time fully opening up to you about this current situation they going through. I’m picking up on the energy of this person being a babydaddy too. Moreso of a bitter one who needs to heal from his past relationship he dealt with that caused him this hurt. They still holding on to this past connection. That’s where the bitterness is coming from. They need to connect with Archangel Raphael to work on their heart chakra. Be assertive when dealing with this person. Don’t take any shit. Twinflame energy is popping up in this energy too.
This person wants you back too. Ever since yall been done with each other. You went into full hermit mode. Especially with focusing on your business. More word of mouth referrals are going to help your business flourish more. I do feel like this person you were dealing with is a little bit older. Lil Wayne could’ve been their favorite artist. Spirit is saying if its meant for yall to reconnect and try again with each other. Then things will fall into place. Someone is on the blocklist too. The way they rejected you through ghosting was a form of protection for you.
Hell, they should’ve took you seriously when you were fully invested in the connection. Now they are going to face the rejection they once did to you. You know what I’m hearing right now “It ain’t nothing to cut that bitch off” lol in K Camp's voice.